
Looking back, I appreciate how much trust my first job out of college gave me. Within a year of being there, I was neck deep refactoring one of the hairiest pieces of (involved in a three-process concurrent handshake). I was trying to reduce the scope of the state in the code so I could see how to introduce my first big project: support for a piece of hardware that communicates as a HID device.

We had an existing stack for detecting and talking to hardware but it was all coupled together, meaning I couldn't get it to talk to our new piece of hardware. I created a new path for detecting and talking to these HID devices and all was right in the world.

A while later, we got word that a major university was bringing up their student lab and our software was busted. Somehow a legacy child device was in our hardware database without its parent, breaking the schema, preventing any further writes to the database.

That new HID code path I mentioned? It was in a place that couldn't go through our fancy new database abstraction which would enforce schema validation. That combined with the fact that I was doing a lookup of the device by PID (Product ID), without the context of the VID (Vendor ID) or Bus. Each bus (PCI, USB), defines its own standard for assigning out VIDs. Each vendor is then responsible for assigning out PIDs, in the context of their VID. So in this case, a HP USB Mouse had the same PID as our legacy child device, causing my new detection path to insert it into the database, without any safety checks to fail it out.

We switched the code to only doing lookups by the triple Bus, VID, PID, patched 6 versions of our software, and got on our way.

Once we realize this, we remembered getting vague, non-reproducible reports from within the company over the last couple of months.

So what system failures led up to this?

Many years later, I found myself in a battle over this. We had a new cross-company hardware API. We wanted to use it to support creating mock devices for low cost validation. Everyone wanted it to just accept PID because "we'll support a third-party device in this API" (we would) and "but if we do, people can specify it then" (notice this is the systemic failure that led to my bug). I had to fight an uphill battle, repeatedly like it was Groundhog's Day, against multiple engineers with double my seniority until they gave up and acquiesced. Even with us having seen this problem once before showing it was creating a trap for future developers, they still wanted something "convenient" for themselves.