
toml_edit is a format preserving TOML crate, allowing users to modify .toml files.


cargo init Cargo.tomlcargo's Cargo.toml


cargo init Cargo.tomlcargo's Cargo.toml


cargo init Cargo.tomlcargo's Cargo.toml

Sorry for the formatting, I need to update my blog's theme


I am working on merging cargo-add into cargo. Concerns raised as part of this:

Rather than updating toml_edit to make it consistent with toml-rs (what Cargo uses today) and then keeping it consistent over time, I proposed we see if we can make toml_edit serve all of Cargo's needs.

Since then

While there is still some work to go, we are nearly ready for trying toml_edit in Cargo except one thing: performance.

The Journey

Know Your Target

When doing a drop-in replacement, it can be easy to assume the target is to maintain performance but you can then spend a lot of time on something that nobody will care about. Unsure how much performance I could squeeze out of toml_edit, I especially wanted to know what my leeway was. Alex Crichton was a big help in identifying our target, calling out specifically the Cargo's resolver, the code that walks the entire dependency hierarchy of crates, as being a user-impacting bottleneck, with toml-rs showing up when profiling. So not only does it need to be at least as fast, they want to optimize it further.

Ideally, I'd go and create a resolver benchmark and measure before/after to see how much of a real-world impact changes in TOML parsing performance would be. I decided to first see what low hanging fruit existed in toml_edit to see if I could get it close to toml-rs.

Choose Your Equipment

To verify my optimizations, I wrote up some benchmarks. I used criterion for the feature set and being available on stable Rust.

We already know parsing is our main care about. What should we parse? I generally like to see how my code scales over sample sizes since that highlights different performance problems. Since we were mainly focusing on Cargo's resolver, I figured we'd want to focus on typical Cargo.toml files. For a small file, I selected the output of cargo init. For a larger file, I chose Cargo's Cargo.toml file.

I relied on the performance book to help get started profiling. I chose callgrind with kcachegrind as my visualizer because I had been meaning to try it out.

I broke out some of my benchmarks as examples/ for easy profiling. Maybe there is a way around this with criterion, *shrug*.

The Downside to Format-Preserving

When parsing key = 3.0e3 # hello!, we need to break this down to:

We also duplicate some of these for user convenience in working with the API.

Compare this to toml-rs which only has to deal with "key" and 3.0e3.

This puts us at a severe disadvantage due to the number of allocations we make. Most keys are relatively short and people don't tend to use a lot of whitespace. We can use a technique called small-string optimization which looks roughly like:

enum String {
    Inline([u8; 24]),

This removes the need for allocations and we avoid an indirection to reference the allocation.

I chose kstring over

By default, kstring

When benchmarking different combinations, I found max_inline by itself gave the best results for our use cases.

I replaced all strings with newtype wrapper around KString (so we could swap it out in the future) except the one in TOML values because

In the end, this dropped our larger benchmark from 250us to 203us.

See the PR

The Price of Convenience with Parsers

Parser combinators, like nom or combine, make it easy to convert a grammar to code but can easily hide a lot of costs.

Unnecessary Allocations

The first is in allocations. Say you want to parse a number, it could be easy to write

fn number(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, u32> {
        |c: Vec<char>| String::from_iter(c).parse(),

We are

While this example is artificial, cases like this existed in toml_edit and I had to find them and replace them with operations like:

fn number(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, u32> {
        |s: &str| s.parse(),

This uses many0_count as a way of repeating a parser, without allocating, and then uses recognize to take the parsed region and turn it into a &str. No allocations!

Lack of Batching

Sometimes, you really do need that allocation, like parsing a string where you need to convert escape sequences (like "\t") to their actual value. For example, a (simplified) TOML grammar might look like:

fn string_content(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, String> {
        |c: Vec<char>| String::from_iter(c),

fn string_char(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, char> {

fn string_unescaped(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, char> {

fn string_escaped(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, char> {

Rather than adding a char at a time to a String, we can do it in batches, reducing the number of allocations and reducing the size of the hot loop:

fn string_content(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, String> {
                map(recognize(many1_count(string_char)), |s| String::from(s)),
                map(escaped, |c| String::from(c))
        |c: Vec<String>| c.join(""),

fn string_unescaped(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, char> {

fn string_escaped(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, char> {

This optimizes the common case (characters) at the cost of an uncommon case (escape sequences).

It looks like this dropped parse time by about 2%. Not as much of a win as I was hoping.

See a PR


Even though the parser receives a &str and gives out a &str, the inner loop needs to decode the bytes into char to process the grammar's tokens. Let's see about bypassing that by parsing bytes instead of char.

All the horror stories of people treating UTF-8 as bytes had me cautious about going down this route. I first had to examine UTF-8 to make sure we could distinguish ASCII grammar rules from a user's UTF-8 text. Thankfully, the left most bit can ensures no ASCII byte can be mistaken for a later byte in a multi-byte character. It also looks like the grammar will never have us split a multi-byte character, so we shouldn't corrupt already-valid UTF-8.

Ensuring valid UTF-8 can be costly though. By default, we'd use std::from_utf8 to convert these bytes back to strings. This will have to verify the string is valid UTF-8. Can we bypass this?

Most elements of TOML's gramamr are specify the exact characters supported like numbers and dates. In these cases, we know the validation isn't required.

So we can take

fn number(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, u32> {
        |s: &str| s.parse(),

and speed it up by switching to:

fn number(input: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], u32> {
        |b: &[u8]| {
            let s = unsafe { from_utf8_unchecked(b, "`digit` filters out non-ASCII") };

pub(crate) unsafe fn from_utf8_unchecked<'b>(
    bytes: &'b [u8],
    safety_justification: &'static str,
) -> &'b str {
    if cfg!(debug_assertions) {
        // Catch problems more quickly when testing
    } else {

In switching to byte parsing, this still leaves us calling std::str::from_utf8 for comments and quoted strings. If we only allow end-users to pass in &str, we know the original string was valid. Our grammar should make sure we never split a multi-byte character. We should be able to get away with from_utf8_unchecked everywhere.

This seems iffy to me

I checked in a profiler and std::str::from_utf8 was only about 1% of the instruction count, so I decided it wasn't worth it at this time.

This dropped our benchmarked parse times by 6-12%!

See the PR

The Cost of a Good Error

While all of my examples have been using nom, toml_edit actually uses combine (I'm just more familiar with nom and prefer the API).

One feature of combine is built-in support for creating great errors. For example, when parsing a TOML value, the code might look like

// val = string / boolean / array / inline-table / date-time / float / integer
parse!(value() -> v::Value, {
    ))).map(|(raw, value)| apply_raw(value, raw))

Say you have a syntax error, like

key = invalid-value

combine will check each choice and merge the errors. It gives preference to the error that occurs earliest in the string and combines errors that happen at the same point. For invalid-value, every value-type parser will fail at the i and the error will list out what character is instead expected from each type being parsed.

The problem with this is logic for your error case is now costing you even when no user-facing errors happen as it falls through of the different choices. callgrind said that Errors::merge was costing around 12% of our total instruction count!

Our options around this were:

A holistic solution like dropping combine or changing the error handling would offer the most performance (hitting every case) while dispatch! would require playing whack-a-mole and could easily regress in the future.

With that said, I went ahead with dispatch! because it was quick to try:

// val = string / boolean / array / inline-table / date-time / float / integer
parse!(value() -> v::Value, {
    recognize_with_value(look_ahead(any()).then(|e| {
            crate::parser::strings::QUOTATION_MARK |
            crate::parser::strings::APOSTROPHE => string().map(|s| {
            crate::parser::array::ARRAY_OPEN => array().map(v::Value::Array),
            crate::parser::inline_table::INLINE_TABLE_OPEN => inline_table().map(v::Value::InlineTable),
            // Uncommon enough not to be worth optimizing at this time
            _ => choice((
    })).and_then(|(raw, value)| apply_raw(value, raw))

Sprinkling a few dispatch!s through the code took our larger benchmark case from 182us to 160us!

See the PR

Hidden Costs in serde

While toml_edits performance was now fairly close, Cargo will most care about the parts that are a drop-in replacement for toml-rs and toml_edit::easy was 3x slower than both toml-rs and toml_edit!

Like toml-rs, the layer above toml_edit::Document is a serde API followed by a Value type.

Deserialization Ambiguity

When profiling toml_edit::easy, toml_edit::Datetime was showing up despite the sample code not using it!
When I first wrote toml_edit::easy::de, I serialized toml_edit::Datetime as a string. This requires serde to parse each string, to see if it might be a date. Files without a Datetime must pay the price for it existing. On top of that, we might misinterpret a user's string as a Datetime.

I decided to copy toml-rs and deserialize using a proprietary format sort-of like:

struct DatetimeSerde {
    field: String,

This cut our parse time from 602us to 484us!

See the PR

Untagged Enums

When profiling, a lot of the remaining time was in error reporting, including formatting of errors and allocations, particularly for Value. This was strange, because no user-facing errors were occurring. Deja vu.

I decided to inspect the code that #[derive(serde::Deserialize)] was generating with cargo expand:

impl <'de> _serde::Deserialize<'de> for Value {
    fn deserialize<__D>(__deserializer: __D)
     -> _serde::__private::Result<Self, __D::Error> where
     __D: _serde::Deserializer<'de> {
        let __content =
            match <_serde::__private::de::Content as
                _serde::__private::Ok(__val) => __val,
                _serde::__private::Err(__err) => {
                    return _serde::__private::Err(__err);
        if let _serde::__private::Ok(__ok) =
               _serde::__private::Result::map(<i64 as
            return _serde::__private::Ok(__ok);
        if let _serde::__private::Ok(__ok) =
               _serde::__private::Result::map(<f64 as
                                              Value::Float) {
            return _serde::__private::Ok(__ok);
	// ...
        if let _serde::__private::Ok(__ok) =
               _serde::__private::Result::map(<Table as
                                              Value::Table) {
            return _serde::__private::Ok(__ok);
        _serde::__private::Err(_serde::de::Error::custom("data did not match any variant of untagged enum Value"))

It is trying to deserialize each variant of the enum one after the other. Most values are String, Table, and Array, so it has to try Integer, Float, Boolean, and Datetime first. For each error, it calls:

fn invalid_type(unexp: Unexpected, exp: &Expected) -> Self {
    Error::custom(format_args!("invalid type: {}, expected {}", unexp, exp))

Since nearly every variant has a unique type, we can use serde's data model to dispatch for us:

impl<'de> serde::de::Deserialize<'de> for Value {
    fn deserialize<D>(deserializer: D) -> Result<Value, D::Error>
        D: serde::de::Deserializer<'de>,
        struct ValueVisitor;

        impl<'de> serde::de::Visitor<'de> for ValueVisitor {
            type Value = Value;

            fn expecting(&self, formatter: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
                formatter.write_str("any valid TOML value")

            fn visit_bool<E>(self, value: bool) -> Result<Value, E> {

            fn visit_i64<E>(self, value: i64) -> Result<Value, E> {

            // ...


I feel like this happens enough, it'd be nice if serde offered an attribute that let you tell it what type to deserialize as so it has smaller if-else ladders

This dropped our benchmark from 484us to 181us!

See the PR

What Failed?

Not all fixes are successful. Unfortunately, failed attempts are usually not as well documented because they might not make it to being documented in a PR.

Some that I remember:

Re-cap of the Results


cargo init Cargo.tomlcargo's Cargo.toml


cargo init Cargo.tomlcargo's Cargo.toml


cargo init Cargo.tomlcargo's Cargo.toml

Where We Are At

Unfortunately, for practical Cargo.toml files, we are still noticeably slower in parsing. Rather than invest a lot of time for small potential gains and risk complicating the code, I figure its time to shift focus to toml_edits impact on a resolver benchmark and evaluating where we an go from there. Thanks to Eric Huss for their work on this benchmark! Perfect timing!

Thankfully, by having such a specific use case, we can explore a wider range of options if toml_edit does end up having a noticeable impact. One route I've taken in other projects is looking to make up for the losses elsewhere in the process. I think Cargo has an even better option available, bypass TOML parsing completely. Most dependencies being walked, will be in packages, which are immutable. We could convert their Cargo.toml files into a more optimizable format, giving gains well past what we'd get with any toml library. That seems like a lot of work, so hopefully we won't need it.

Thanks to Futurewei for sponsoring this work

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