I've been involved in the Rust community for about a year and a half now. What attracted me to Rust is that is looks like the first viable replacement for C++. It offers similar (actually better) protections than GCed languages and the full language is available in any environment, including exception-like error handling in the Windows kernel.

1aim partially sponsored my attendance at RustFest. At the start of the year, the Rust community organized working groups for targeted improvements to the language for several use cases. 1aim was looking for working group members to sponsor and the WG-CLI leader sponsored me due to my involvement with the working group where I've been working to make my life easier for my maintaining my tools.

Sadly, I'm writing this up so late from the main event (the talks), that I'm not going into as much detail as I'd like.

Talks (Saturday)

The opening Keynote was on the Feynman Method for learning. Really enjoyed this. Probably the most memorable part is dealing with jargon. I've heard before that Elon Musk has a ban on acronyms and proprietary jargon

"Don't use acronyms or nonsense words for objects, software, or processes at Tesla. In general, anything that requires an explanation inhibits communication. We don't want people to have to memorize a glossary just to function at Tesla."

Feynman articulately calls out the real problem with jargon in this quote that Vaidehi Joshi shares:

When we speak without jargon, it frees us from hiding behind knowledge we don't have.

Next was a talk on a Rust implementation of TLS / SSL. Key parts of this talk

Later was a talk on writing reliable systems. Highlights

The Monotron talk is a great showcase at the potential for Rust for firmware.

Misc talk notes

Workshops (Sunday)

I skipped the workshops.

Impl Days (Monday, Tuesday)

This was a two day hack fest. I liked this better than the PyCon one. I'm unsure if its because I'm more involved in the community or they handle it better with

I worked on one of my WG-CLI projects, CLI testing. The crates (packages) provide

Visiting Paris (Thursday, Wednesday)

This was my first time to Paris.

Misc notes